I love the feeling when I wake up on other side of my world. I love the brand new air and new faces of people. I wake up early today since we need to go "hunting" for beautiful things today. That's the main reason we come here, we come to SHOPPING for our needed. Before that, one basic tips, make sure your watch time is same as local time . FYI, Indonesia time just late 1 hour from Malaysia time,so no worries if your watch is Malaysia time, just minus 1 hour.
As I went traveling, I come to love breakfast. Breakfast is important for whenever you travel a lot!This morning, we eat our breakfast at hotel but so sad the food just common food, I mean just "Nasi goreng", fried noodles and bread plus its not look delicious for me but since its free so just eat it. Don't waste food ya! But, what I love is the "kerupuk", nyum!The first place to go is Pasar Baru Trade Centre by using Angkutan Kota ( Angkot), its really cheap but not sure how much already..huhu. Sorry!
What really good things about the hotel staff is they will help to stop the angkutan kota for us, so you no need to worry! But, don't forget to give them tips since they helping you.
Then, our "hunting" is officially begin...
Pasar Baru is heaven for shopper like me and my sister. What the best things here is there a lot of things to buy from cloth to bags and anything in cheap price and negotiable price.I'm not sure how to describe how the Pasar Baru look like but if you love cloth and shopping, this is your place.
Here is the breakfast of the day.

Pasar Baru Trade Centre

Our dinner is KFC and can you believe that is CD? Yeah..they sell CD in KFC.

We spent the whole day at Pasar Baru, you should be proud of me. I can wasting my time wondering, negotiate price and see the beautiful things.
Thanks for reading and see you on day 2.
Estelle Paya
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