{Real DIY} : Smartphone DIY case

Hello my friends..
Currently, its 1:05am and I am still awake! hahaha.. I had so many things to  do lately.
I am tired but I think I like it.. I like busy life because I don't have time to think too much and I learn to make decisions faster. Am I kind of weird now? Nope, right?
So, as I promised on my Instagram ( @estellepaya), I wanted to share with you guys regarding the Smartphone DIY case. Its very easy and its look beautiful to me.. I love it!
For my smartphone, it's really hard to find the beautiful and colorful case. I am not sure why.. That why I come out with this idea..So, Xperia users..don't worry, you can have a beautiful case too.. :)

I know, the steps is super easy so MUST try it ya!
Or if you don't have time, I can do it for you...hahhaaaaa

What you need :

i. Beads/Stud/any... ( I bought the bead at Bandung..it's for decorations on your clothes actually..)
ii. Clear smartphone case ( I bought at Metro Kajang, 1 case = RM7 ~ 10
iii. Glue for plastic  ( For mine, I use the Glue for plastic from Daiso..its really good)

Steps :
1.  Just glue the beads on your clear smartphone case in whatever you wanted..haha ( see..its supper easy!)
So, here the my result! Jeng!
Level of creativity is ________..still low..huhu..

So, what do you think? Share with me if you had any comment on this DIY..hehhee

Even my ducker is amazed this DIY...hahhaa..
And... here the next "victim", I still thinking and gather the idea for next DIY..hahaha.
So, wait ya...

If you have any request and comment or any, I would like to hear your opinion/voice.. :)
For Xperia user, I know its really hard for you to buy the case right? 
So, please let me know if its hard for you...I can help you..hehaa.
or if you have any info where to buy it, please do share with me..

Thanks my friends for reading...

Estelle Paya

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