Travel Food : What I ate at New Zealand...

Hi again..
I already share what I ate at Australia on my previous post. I know, I's very common food..haha. That why, I told you guys not to laugh at me. But, during my stayed at New Zealand, I always feel like wanna eat. Maybe because of the chilly and sometime raining weather.When you feel cold, you always wanted to eat..hahhaa ( that my excuse when I feel don't want diet..ehehe)
So, let's see what I ate here.
Before that, I want treat you guys with something that make mouth watering...jeng jeng! Its for you...

I arrived at New Zealand around 8pm something so I feel soo hungry..and outside already dark and I am not familiar yet with this place so I just went to hotel restaurant and I ate most expensive food during this trip!huhu..
What I ate you go.

Here is my dessert..the cake just awesome!

 On 20th October, my outing day, here is my lunch.. I skipped my breakfast again..huh!

After I go around and around the city, I feel hungry again and I ate Japanese food again..

 See, how hungry am I ? I never ate all the food that I order before but now, I can ate all.. except the salad..I hate it!

21 October 2013, my first day at office. Here is my lunch.. I forgot the name but its taste very good..

 After office hours, I just walking going back to my hotel. It's tiring but its fine for me because I can see around..I get thirsty so Just Juice here!

 On the 2nd day, I went to Malaysian Restaurance and I ordered this. and I cannot finish it. It's tooo many..
Sorry my love rice!

And here is my dinner..This time, I ate Korean food. Nyum!

 The kimchi just's taste very nice and I love it!

On my 3rd day, here is my lunch.. Tom Yam Kung! It's raining and chilly outside so tom yam is just my life saver..hahaha

My dinner is Korean kind of economy rice and once again, the amount just tooooo many...

My supper...hahahhaha.. Love love love this donut. It's green tea donut. Oh my God! Just love it... I should buy more...ahhahahhaha

On my last day at New Zealand, I ate Japanese food again...huhu

So, that all about what food I ate during my stayed here. Mostly is Japanes and Korean food. When I ate that food, I feel so close to home and can't wait to going back..haha. I just miss the food so badly.hahhha

Thanks for  reading!
Love you guys..

See ya,
estelle paya

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