Outfit Diary: Cropped denim jacket + Dress

Hello Love!
I loved my intro today..hahha. February is definitely month of love and now I called you "Hello Love". How awesome is that?
Okay, its become more cheesy whenever I called you guys, love or do you like it? Tell me if you like it.hahhaa. Okay, I don't want to get you confuse,let me explain the meaning behind the Hello Love. This is one of our event at our church to welcoming the new students from Sabah and Sarawak. Its kind of welcoming party for new people here and we are glad that they're here with us and hopefully we will always see them every Sunday. I really enjoying this kind of event because I can meet some people and of course, dress up and make up..haha but most important is we so glad to celebrate the new people and hope they will feel that they found their "new" family here.
Move on to the outfit ( I love to talk about this!hahah). For this simple event, I choose to wore the short skirt over my denim jacket plus my wedges. Actually, I plan to wear the long dress but whenever think of how hot I will be, so I just wore my short dress. From my opinion, if you don't know what to wear on any simple occasions even they said " Dress", I suggest just wearing the simple dress and put on your favorite jacket, don't forget your belt, or to make it more fashionable and glam (hahhaha..feel like to attend the award show), bring some accecories with you girls, especially the statement necklace that definitily will save your day! Don't look to simple, just respect the organizer of the event by wearing according to the theme required but if you can't, its okay, just wear something nice. Don't worry!
So, let's enjoy the photo of this event.

Okay, that's all. I had a lot of picture but I cannot put all here. I think this is the best picture..blek!
Before you go, PEACE from me! Happy Monday tomorrow, don't sad tonight! Enjoy life and always remember, live your fearlessly and do awesome things always!


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