Floria Putrajaya 2014 { Day time}

Yesterday was awesome! As you can see on my previous post, here. I went to Floria Putrajaya 2014, event that full of awesomeness and beautiful things, this event is perfect for outfit shooting(hahhaha...this only for people like me) and skill up your photography skill . I am so glad I can apply my little photography skill and knowledge yesterday and I realized that I need to learn more about photography, never give up!
 You may think, how come I become photography and poser at the same time?hahaaa. My friend, Anizan help me press the shutter button and I am the one that adjust the setting. How funny is right? hahhaa..That my dream, I want to become photographer and poser at the same time. Possible right?hahaha..I really love to capture the beautiful things around me so when I go back home, I can show it to my parent and show them how beautiful is the world. Speaking of home, I can wait to going back home now..
Since I can't going back home now, I will share my experience at Floria Putrajaya with all my family and friends online, hope you like the photo and can feel the awesomeness of this event.

Enjoy ya!

Special thanks to my friend, Anizan and her sister for  accompany me for this event and help me press the shutter button. I really appreciate it! If you guy ever read this, thanks ya, you guys are the best!! :)

My very excited face ( or awkward face) when enter this beautiful places..I was  trying to swing my skirt but cannot capture it due to setting of my camera ( I set the shutter speed so slow, 1/200) . Lesson from this is I need to know what speed is the best for movement pose/things. Plus, the good ISO for day time shooting.

All the photos below is captured by Anizan and I set the mode manual for the first time but I am sorry, I forget the ISO, Aperture and shutter speed that I set ( this is 3 important thing about photography, I will explain about it next time)
I just adjust it according to the lighting condition. If you have any comment, please do write on comment below ya!

 I like to move whenever I took photo. I need to know what the best speed of shutter speed for someone like me..

 For this, I need to know the what the good aperture setting so I can focus only on my friend and me, so other people won't be in our photo. Noted!

I can feel the fresh air in the middle of city..haha

The series of close up flower by Anizan and Aya

 I love this siblings..They're friend even though they are sibling. For me, that rare..:)
During my younger time, I can't be my sister friend, I don't know why. But, when I growing old I feel that our sister is the best friend, am I too late to realize this?

 I don't know what pose is this..can we call it Tai Chi pose??

The Tai Chi pose..

 I love vintage things but you can see what I mean..huhu

The spinning flower view. I really love this. I even captured the video, see below :

I am sooo excited seeing the spinning flower..haha, just like a little girl!

Finally, its come to end of the post. I'm going to missed this event (hahha..still have 1 week to go, girl).
I started this post with beautiful spinning flower so I also want to end this post with beautiful spinning flower as our background.I had a great day at this event because I can skill up my photography skills, I need to learn more and apply it more, get to know my friends better and most of all, I can share this good experience with all of my friend no matter where you are. I hope you feel the world is beautiful whenever you see my photo:) and never lose hope in your life, God always be there for you.Open your heart and let surrender everything in God's hand. This advice for me too.hehe
Another exciting post will come soon, I will share my photography experience, I want the beginner photographer like me never give up on what they passion about!

Thank you very much for visiting my blog!
See you on another post very soon.. :)


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