Sunway Lagoon Outing

Photo By Norisan Usun

This is really really late post.
I wanted to share some of picture when I went to Sunway Lagoon and I only go there once in my life.hahahahha. Actually this picture is old picture of mine.
I went with one of my very best friend. I still remember the bright day..ahaha. Good day to play on water.
Maybe you realized I always do the throwback and very late post on my blog. The reason behind the all throwback is I want to keep all my picture. I scared that one day my laptop or hard disk will "sick" so in case of anything, better I back up all the best pictures first. If you have any suggestions to keep all the picture, let me know. I don't know..huhu
I think we went to here during my training day..arghh! The old days..ahhaha. Now, my best friend already get married and as for me, still enjoying life.
I still the same, never changes. If I change one day, maybe there something wrong with me.hahah, just kidding! Change is very good things to do in our life. Change for good but never change yourself just to impress others in this world. Always be comfortable with yourself. Never hate and blame yourself on everything wrong in your life. Move on!

Here is my best friend. Long time no see her.hmmm..

The big oppsie on this picture is I carry my handbag all day long..hahhahahaa.

Young forever!hahaha

No matter how big the issue in my life, I wanted to smile brightly everyday and be thankful for everything. I always wanted happiness and the secret of happiness is always be thankful and forget the bad memories in my life. 

Lastly, PEACE everybody! Don't be sad or stress..If very hard to smile, just fake it! Naturally you'll know how to smile.

Thanks for reading and hope you'll have a nice day.

God Bless,
Estelle Paya

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