Outfit Diary : Yellow mellow cardigan

Photo by Suzanne Lim

Happy Sunday!
How's your Sunday? Hope you have a great day.
For me, Sunday is the day that I can eat Kenyah food. If you're Kenyah girls, then you know what we doin' on Sunday evening, its all about eat super hot and spicy chilli( lia akau) with some delicious side dishes. But, weird thing is I can't eat other spicy and hot such as Chinese or Indian or Malay food but if Kenyah spicy food then surely can eat. I don't know why.
Before I continue to write about my outfit and photography today,
 I want to wish " Happy Birthday" to my lovely niece, Luhong Langking. I hope, she always have a wonderful and blissful day ahead her, I hope she can make all her dream come true and most important, I hope she can get a job, so she can help and support her parent and family in many ways and get whatever she want. Thanks for being good niece and good friend for me, I am sorry for late wishes but I love you! I can't write you a letter just like old day, but I am improved now, I write for you on my blog! :), I wished she read this article.
Okay, back to the outfit. Today, I am super happy because one of my good friend come back to KL after long holiday at "kampung". She is my Sunday outfit photographer,thanks a lot Lim for help me on this craziest dream.
As you can see, today is all about "yellow mellow", I got this brightest cardigan ever at Thrift Shop for RM10, the moment I saw it, I knew that it can be wear in my way and if I had chance go to oversea next time during winter or fall season,I can wear it, oh man! What a wonderful dream I had. I pairing it with my little black dress(LBD), this is my old LBD dress to cold down the hotness of my cardigan. For casual look, I wearing my Converse sneakers that I got from my sister ( I bought it from her actually, because I madly in love with it..haha), I love the softness of mint color mixed with yellow, its quite loud but I love it!
Okay, enjoy our photo!

Okay, I love this behind the scene photo. I getting ready for outfit shoot..
There a lot of BTS photo but I love this..haha

Hope you enjoy my outfit today and have a nice week ahead.
God's bless you!


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