Hi my dear friends,
Hope you have a good day and feeling good always.
If you ever digging my old post, maybe you wonder why I write about Macau again?
I got email regarding [Contest] Macau Your Way to An Experience of A Lifetime!from Nuffnang MY so, I decided to give try..hehe, hope you'll enjoy my flashback trip to Macau 2012.
I visited Macau on June 2012 and this trip is definitely one of my best trip abroad ever and it very special too because this is my first trip to abroad in my life. As for me, I always remember every first thing in my life. So, definitely I am going to remember Macau for the whole life. No matter how many country I will visit in future, Macau is always the first.
Before I went to Macau,whenever I think about Macau, there one thing that I ever imagined, the one scene of "Boys over flower" at Macau. The place where Gu Jun Pyo dumped Gum Jan Di , I really love that place. If you watch that drama, then you already know the place I mean.
I really love to visit Macau again because my last trip was really good and awesome trip and this time, I want to renew the memories I ever had there. I want to refresh the memory and of course, I want to show the beauty of Macau to all my friends and share the updated experience with them because last trip to Macau, I just follow where my friends go and what they want to visit..haha, I have no clue how to visit other country beside than Malaysia.
There 3 amazing things that make me want to visit Macau again.
There 3 amazing things that make me want to visit Macau again.
1. The Venetian Hotel & Casino
2. Senado Square & The Ruins of St. Paul.
3. Eat yummy food ( Portuguese tart for sure..)
I will start with...jeng jeng!!
I will start with...jeng jeng!!
The first place that I wanted to visit again is The Venetian Hotel & Casino. This building is so gorgeous and I want to take a lot of awesome photo here.
I adored every single thing inside here. Everything look so beautiful and interesting. During my trip this time, I am not that interested on photography because I don't have DSLR camera and now, if I ever have chance again, I will take photo as much as I can here with my skills..
Since, I am too excited..I even take photo in the their gorgeous toilet..ahha, I love the gold color everyday, I am not sure if that is real gold? I want to find it out..ahha
I overload myself with the place of scene of the drama..I am over excited here.
Last time, I visit this place during day and night.In my personal opinion, I love the view for both day and night. No wonder so many people come here. I don't have enough time to explore all here last time, so if I got the chance, definitely I will explore more here.

For souvenir for family, friends and colleagues, you can find the greatest here. We bought our souvenir here because my friend do recommend here. And, its awesome!

I always in love with pretty street.. I wished I take photo of myself here before..haha
And, here the must thing to eat at Macau. The Portugese tart.
If you do not know, Macau is kind of mix of Portuguese culture and Chinese culture, when I ride their public bus, I am so surprised that there no English words in the bus and they mainly in Portuguese and Cantonese language. Lucky my friends understand Cantonese.. :)
I love this place. For me, the old building is always great creatures and whenever it become your background or it can stand out on it own.

And, posing time. I feel funny whenever I saw this photo..how come I pose like that..haha, such a awkward pose, right? I want to do the tourist pose here if I got the chance.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy my post and have a nice day!
Dreaming about Macau now,
Estelle Paya
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