Outfit Diary : The shade of blue

Photo by Elyss Mering

Happy Sunday!
As usual I will share my outfit diary for today.
I wore one of my favorite color today, its shade of blue. I love so many color and I don't know what color I really like. I love everything in my life and feel thankful for each day in my life.
Special story today, I feel so excited today because after such a long time, I didn't join the dancers group in our church and finally I able to dancing for God again and it special for pre Christmas celebration. So excited to share it with you guys here. And, yes..Christmas season is already here, I'm so excited! But, at the same time, I feel a bit sad because 2014 going to end. I feel like 2014 is going to end very fast compare to other previous year, maybe because I growing up older or so many great things happen? I don't know, what I know is 2014 passing by very fast.
My big lesson for 2014 is learn to love yourself better than other. Love yourself better by accept everything about you and don't compare yourself with others, I don't say compare yourself is bad, its good but always try to be the best in your life.
More photo below.
Honestly speaking, sometime I envious people that have small forehead because they can tie up their hairs as high as possible but for me, sometime I feel ashamed to do so because of my big forehead. But, today I won't feel ashamed anymore. Let tied up my hair as high as possible and walk confidently.

Whenever I wore what I love, I always feel like dancing and move around.

I finally can say " I have long hair!"..

Before I end today post, here is my favorite pose..hehe

Special thanks to my dear friend, Elyss for always take my photo with my many instructions..haha, thanks!
And, big thanks to my dear father God because always give me happiness every day in my life, taking care of my family and in return, I will always trust everything that you plan for me and I will wait patiently.
So, can't wait to share pre-Christmas event next week with you guys. I want heat up the Christmas spirit!

God bless you and God always be there for you,
Estelle Paya Roni

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