Outfit Diary : Alone

Hi again, it's me Aya from KeriitLeto.
This is second look of my black maxi dress pairing. This is simple way to revamp my previous look. Still the same shirt, but you can wear different shirt. For my case, I can't take off my shirt freely here so still the same shirt. I adding black cardigan and soft purple clutch.If you like, you can wear your statement necklaces, but I love this kind of look. Simple and easy! This pairing great for go out with friends for any plan, maybe lunch, brunch, or dinner or just stroll around the park just like me now.
What do you think of this look?
My shirt really make statement today. Yes, I am alone but I'm alright! I don't care what people say, or I'm getting older or what, I don't care! This is my life, so I can live it the way I want. Don't worry about age ladies! Do whatever you always wanted to do and be happy always even though sometime there time you can be happy always, just be happy, fake it until you make it.

As I mentioned previously, my shirt quite long so to make it short, I wear belt inside and roll up my shirt until it look nice.

Thanks again for visit and read my blog!
Have a great weekend and don't forget to visit KeriitLeto again for last pairing of black maxi dress.


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