LifeTips : Handmade bookmarks | Positive words for you

Hi there!
Hope you have a good day so far.
Today, I trying to keep up with my DIY post every Wednesday as I make promised this earlier year. But, its already Thursday but its okay,right? I know, I'm very slow keep up with it but I try my best. Beside, I've been busy with make living and sometime the idea is not come right way so that way no DIY post every Wednesday.
Today, I've thinking of this DIY after I bought t-shirt with the price tag on it. I love the price tag because it seems unique and it seems waste for me for just throw it. So, I'm thinking to  make it as my bookmarks. 

I love reading book so I got many books but not having a good bookmarks so far. So this one will be definitely my favorite bookmarks.

How to make it?
Its super easy,guys! Just cut the price tag from the clothes.

Next, you write any positive words behind it.

I don't have a good handwriting so here what I got.

Next time, when you buy any gift for your friends or family or anyone you give gifts, use the price tag as a place for you to write anything. Save money to buy cards.

Hope you love my super easy DIY.
Anyone can make it but all you need to be creative but I know, I'm not creative enough here. I hope next time I can makes something creative.


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