Outfit Diary : The sound of wave

Hi everyone!
When you love something, you will always have time for it despite wherever you are..
Just like when you love somebody, you will always can make time for them. There no super busy life. You can always make time for something. For me, I love outfit shooting and share it on my blog so much even though I'm busy with my main job, I always trying my best to make time for it, sometime I do shoot couple week before and write the post before I go to sleep. or while waiting for my taxi go to work. This month, I busy with my main job and I feel like my life move so fast and that's make me feel so good. I love busy life because that make me less think of useless things. All I can think now is what will ahead me and what I will do after this and that.

For the outfit diary today, I wore this flowery dress that I bought from Mango last couple weeks. You guys already saw this dress before, here.This dress was great for day out to beach or go out with your girls on the hot day. I love the versatile dress so I can wear it many times. I'm not sure how many times I said this on my blog..haha. I'm thinking of beach now.. I miss beach and the sound of wave.

I always feel insecure about my body and I always feel fat in everything I wore but I want trying my best to love my body and make the best of it.

Thanks for visit and read my blog.
I hope to see you on my next post.
Have a good day wherever you are.

Thank you very much.
Aya from Keriitleto

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