Hi there~
Hello October 2015(Oh my gee... its October!!).
I love to taking picture anywhere I went and my all time favorite is the mother nature picture. I think I love this because I growing up to see all this. The mountains, the blue skies, the greeny tree and that dew always make my heart melting and make me realized I had a great life that anyone can ask for.But,when I went abroad I love to see their architecture/building and different view of their mother nature.When I missing home and my people, I will open my hardisk and look at this beautiful pictures from my hometown or place where I belong. So, start from today, I wanted to share the great view with you guys because I miss home much now.
Enjoy the photos.
This is called "Alut" in Kenyah.We will use this when we went to my Aunty's village at Long Dungan,Belaga.This is one of the transportation from my Aunty's village to Belaga town.
I am lucky enough to captured this view.
One story for you guys,
During my high school at SMK Belaga(form 1), there one time I need money to buy pair of selipar jepun for myself because everyone had it but I don't dare to ask the money from my Aunty or my family,so I went back to my Aunty's house at Long Dungan and I tell her I want to sell the banana at the morning market.Using that small amount of money, I bought my pair of selipar jepun and sugar for my Aunty.That's one of the best life experience for me. This experience makes me dare to dream bigger and always believe God will change my life. As kampung girl, one of my biggest dream since I am form 1 is living in the main city and do what I love.You know what, I am thankful now because I am currently living on that life and God give me more than I ask for.I'm more than thankful everyday for that and I still trying my best to make other dream come true and writing this story is not to show off my life because my life is not perfect but to inspire you guys to dare to dream and you can make your dream come true too.
If you already follow me on Instagram (@keriitleto), then you already know that I am so INTO blue skies. You can check my skies photo on my instagram by search for #keriitletoskies.
The close up of The Rejang river, the longest river in Malaysia.
Malaysia's largest and tallest (160m) hydro electric project, Bakun Hydro Electric Dam Project, is located on narrow Bakun Fall of Balui River. I wanted to explore the Rejang river one day.

One of my reason to visit Belaga town is the delicious and classic Kompua Mee and this view. I think I went here every year and this still my favorite view.And, here I present the great view from Bukit Jayung,Belaga. I hope I can take better than this again.
This is not edited photo..I think this is early morning at Bukit Jayung.
You can see the Belaga town from here.
My nephews, my permanent model. They makes me wanna take better photo everytime.
Back in 2012, someone missing his teeth.
'If you have something you wanna do in your life, do it!
Don't be afraid to make your dream come true and refused to just exist in this world.'
Photo by : Keriitleto (Aya)
Location : Rejang River,Belaga & Bukit Gayung,Belaga
Camera : Sony TX50
Years; 2012
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