I hope you enjoyed your week so far.
First of all, I wanna say thank you very much for encouraging and kind words on my previous post, on my Instagram (@keriitleto) and Facebook page (Paya Roni Eban). Thank you so much! I will work harder for my impossible dreams.Today, I want to share my 2015 outfit review. Since I started blogging end of 2013, I will do outfit review every beginning of the year to see how my style revolution.You can check my 2014 outfit review here.For 2015, I can say that I'm into minimal outfits.Maybe I'm getting older so I'm not really fans of fancy outfit anymore..hahaha
So, let's get started.
Whenever January comes, we will always try to do something new in our life. I believe that every year is new white canvas and you can start a new adventure on this white canvas. For starting 2015, I choose the theme, clean and comfortable.
[February 2015]
I'm trying to wear something bright because it's Chinese new year and Valentine's day, so I think I should wear something red.So, that why you can see red color in February.And, as per usual, blue, gray and white still ON.
[March 2015]
Again, the main theme color is blue. And, I remember I trying to be different by wearing pink but I only wear that shirt once.
[April 2015]
Jeng-Jeng... the month of black, grey, white is started!! hahaha
I think I'm inspired to wear this basic color because I'm too tired to own so many colorful outfits and I do not feel confident at all whenever wearing something bright.So, the era of basic color begins in April 2015.
[May 2015]
Don't laugh at me now.
yes, a lot of blacks and mixed with stripped.
I just too comfortable with this color.
[June 2015]
I realized that too much black will make my outfit diary look dull so I decided to wear something bright and its white. As you can see, I'm rocking my statement necklace the whole month. I'm wearing it like no other accessories.
[July 2015]
In 2015, July is one of my best month ever, because I got a chance to travel to the UK for the first time ever. So, before I went there, I do my outfit shooting beforehand.
Still in the same range color, gray, and black.
[August 2015]
Back from best places ever, I excitedly continue the passion I have. This month, I once again trying to wear something bright again( that coral shirtdress).Yes, I'm wearing skirt many times this month.
[September 2015]

This also special month in my 2015 because I traveled to Korea for the first time. I really inspired with their style and I started to fall in love with sneakers.
[October 2015]
Heels and sneakers - still juggling which one make me most comfortable this month.
I love wearing heels because its make me look taller and I love sneakers because it's super comfortable and instant chic.
[November 2015]
My birthday month, I deeply fall in love with sneakers and yes, I'm still love wearing sneakers now and no sign to stop..ahaha and notice that, stripped shirt also growing interest.
[December 2015]

Most of my outfit diary photo were taken with my friend helps and my tripod with remote.
Before 2015 started, I promised myself to really committed doing the outfit diary, no matter what. Whenever I don't have anyone to help, I will bring my 'boyfriends' (tripod and remote) at the nearby park and do it! For me, you the one that responsible for all your dream you ever dream. Dream it and do it!
Thanks for reading until the end.
I hope this year, I will do better and inspire you guys more.
What's your opinion?
Please share your thoughts.