[Broga,Selangor] Broga Hills

Hi everyone!
I went to Broga Hills for 3rd times yesterday.I really love to go hiking because I love to push myself to go to the top and from there I can see the beautiful view and breath the fresh air(not so freah yesterday because there people smoking, how dare!). Same goes to our life, in order to achieve what we want, we need to push ourselves and at the same time, pray for it. I'm true believer of hard work and pray. Not just waiting for miracle to happen. I write this post while waiting for boarding time at airport. Whenever I travel alone to abroad, I feel proud of myself, not because what I have for this moment but I feel proud that I can come this far.As I always share on my blog, I'm kampung girl and I never thought my life will be like this one day. i never thought my wild dream come true one day, I always have dream to travel around the world, i think because of all magazines I read..haha.I'm feel grateful everyday of this opportunity.. I'm forever thankful for this chances, life and people that make this dream come true.
In few minutes, I will fly to Sydney,Australia and I miss someone..haha. I never thought I will be like this.
For now, enjoy the photos from Broga Hills.

The view around 6.30am

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