Hope you enjoy your rest time for this moment.
Thanks for click and read my special kind of post. I make special post regarding my village because tomorrow will be start of KEBANA festival. If you do not what is KEBANA, you can visit my introduction of KEBANA here.
Without further due, let's check out what you can do in Kg.Data Kakus.
Over here, you'll disconnect with the world (no internet and no communication outside the world). I really love this because finally I have time to do "real" stuff and real people.But, if I'm staying over here everyday, this will be such a inconvienieces thing ever happen. Yes, I do wish my village has communication so I can call my mum and dad everyday and even better if I can do video call.One day it will happen!
Okay, let's get started! I make this list based on what people from the city usually do in our village.
1. Mandi sungai
Our sungai is still the clean but some area already polluted but I'm thankful for some people that trying to fixed it.Don't forget to bring some food and snack when you go.
2. Check out the beautiful views
As a local, I never take granted for this wonderful views.
3. Go take photos in the middle of the road
4. Eat our traditional food

Oh man..my weakness!! I will make one post about our traditional food soon.
5. Join the Christian service in BEM Data Kakus
The service will be on Wednesday(night) and Sunday(Morning)
That's pretty much it. I hope it will make you feel inspired and wanna go to Kg.Data Kakus. I really love my village and I can't wait to see people I love, eat my mum's cooking and communicate with the people that always I love.
Thank You for visit and read my blog. And, thank you for some of you that share my last post regarding how to go to Kg.Data Kakus, really appreciate it! Thank you!!!
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