[Career woman tips] The rewards of work

God is fair, and he will remember all the work you have done. He will remember that you showed your love to him by helping his people and that you continue to help them.
Hebrew 6:10

Reward is something that we can't casually to talk about in my opinion. It's really depends on how you do your work and whats yours employers think of that hard work. I'm thankful for the rewards that I got from my job and sometime, I am not being grateful because I knew I can deserved it but maybe there's something that I need to improve or do something better. On basis of good management is to recognize and reward employees for outstanding performance. Still, many employees feel that they never receive the recognition or rewards they deserve from their earthly employers.

Believers are in an ideal situation when it comes to the questions of rewards because God has a recognition and incentive program better than  any employer could ever devise. He promises that as they perform everyday duties as unto him, he will recognize and reward them, whether employers ever appreciate them or not.

"Don't save treasures for yourselves here on earth. Moths and rust will destroy them. And thieves can break into your house and steal them. Instead, save your treasures in heavan, where they cannot be destroyed by moths or rusts and where thieves cannot break in and steal them. Your heart will be where your treasure is.
Matthew 6:19-21
God is fair, and he will remember all the work you have done. He will remember that you showed your love to him by helping his people and that you continue to help them.
Hebrew 6:10

Jesus taught that if believers rely solely on rewards from others, they will miss God's reward. He shows that if the motivation is to be recognized and rewarded here on earth, that will be the full extent of the reward. He advises us to work for recognition from God,not others- for rewards that are eternal not temporal
"Be careful! When you do something good, don't do it in front of others so that they will see you. If you do that, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. When you give to those who are poor, don't announce that you are giving. Don't be like the hypocrites.When they are in the synagogues and on the streets, they blow the trumpets before they give so that people will see them. They want everyone to praise them. The truth is, that's all the reward they will get. So when you give to the poor, don't let anyone know what you are doing.Your giving should be done in private.Your Father can see what is done in private and he will reward you.
Matthew 6:1-4.

Earthly recognition is rarely given fairly.
Some receive recognition they do not deserve, and others who deserve recognition never get it. Furthermore, earthly recognition is flickle, the winds of fame can shift suddenly. God's recognition,by comparison, lasts through eternity, is fairly distributed, and will be there always.
What a difference when believers understand that people's rewards and recognition are not what is needed. When they are working for the Lord's approval, they are freed from being slave to people (Heb 11:5,13:21, 1Jn 3:22).
 When they know they are going to get their reward from the Lord, whether or not people recognize their contribution matters less and less. They are free from that need to please others in order to be accepted (Eph 6:6,1Th 2:4)

"God is fair,and he will remember all the work you have done. He will remember that you showed your love to him by helping his people and that you continue to help them."
Hebrew 6:10
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