[November Special] : Happy Birthday,Marina!

Hi there~
Yesterday is one blessed day as one baby girl was born in this world.
Her name is Marina.
So, I want to write birthday post for her.

Hi Marina Unnie,
First of all,how are you?
I hope you doing well and be happy because today is your day.
I'm sorry for write your birthday post here, I can send message or email to you but I choose to write here. I hope you don't mind.
Back in 2011, that's when we first met in Bandar Baru Bangi. I'm so glad I met my fellow Sarawakian in the new place for me. I was prayed to God I can met good friend when I arrived in new place and I'm thankful God answer my prayers and I met you and some other friends, Wenanda,Gogila,Irene and Gen.I'm so thankful because you guys always make me feel like I'm at my hometown.
There's so many event in our life that we been through together. I remember, the first time I driving my car and you guys are my passengers. I'm thankful for you guy willing to teach me to drive.
I'm thankful for having good friends like you.Whenever I need you, need your help, you always be there for me. I can't do anything else to pay all that.Thank you so much!

HAPPY Birthday Marina!!

Our younger time is the great time in our life. 
We have the clear vision, we can listen well, move fast, we feel healthy.
But, as we get older, we also have other great things in our life that we dont get when our younger time.
We got resources to do what we love, to buy what we want and make everything come true.
We cannot avoid from growing up, it's human nature.
There's many thing we greatful for when we grow older.
Don't be afraid to growing older because everything that exist in this world will grow older someday.

Let's feel young and be young forever!

Love from Sydney!

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