Once upon time, there one little boy lived in beautiful and peaceful village. His name is Kang.He love to play outside.
One day, there one lady come to him "Come play with me at somewhere more beautiful".
But, little Kang said "Go away! I don't want because my mum going to scold me.
But,he curious to know about the beautiful place.
So,he decided to give it try.
So, he followed the lady and see the beautiful view.
He love his decision to follow this.
Looking left and right, everything is look new and pretty.

Then, the lady ask him to see something like this called "Bampu".
After that, there something more beautiful he found.
But, mum must be looking for me now.
But, I love this.
Just play time for more.
Look what I found here.
Okay, I love this places.But, it's time for me to go home.
Looking for my way to home.
The moral value of this story is:
Life is sometime need to take risk to see the another beautiful side of the world.
When you fall down, get up and dont give up.
Be happy and be thankful for whatever you had.
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