Say goodbye

Happy Thursday!
It's 16 February 2017,
and I officially saying goodbye to something that always in my heart since I knew about it. I will write so dramatic about it so I won't feel bad about it.It's one part of me. I have been dreaming to be known for my dreams and an encouraging person that people can get inspired and get started their dreams.

Okay, I don't have any idea to say about this so I just be straightforward, I deleted all my Instagram post since the beginning I joined it. I actively joined Instagram back in 2012, I uploaded almost my everything here. My good, bad, happy and sad memories, everything in one place. Every time I looking back on my Instagram feed(before I deleted it), it's such a journey. An amazing journey to be specific. I went to place that I never imagined I can go but God make me to went there.He always makes a way for me. I'm happy and blessed.But, few of you know behind all the beautiful, pretty and happy photos that I was taken and share with you guys.I'm not lying or pretending on my Instagram but sometimes I feel good about myself and sometimes I really feel bad about me. I always have an insecure feeling within me. I'm not quit Instagram but I will use my Instagram for good cause and express my world in different perspectives and challenged my creative mind.I don't promise anything here because I won't dare to promise anything with anyone and anything.
Let's my action is bigger than my words.
For now, I will share my old feed for the record here.

Thank you guys for visited my blog.
I don't have the plan to quit social media world as I want to share a lot of creative images with you guys in future. Being creative is make me want to live longer and excited about life, so I should do more as people always said "Do more what you love".
Aya from

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