Another country on my list.This is the best part of my job.I love travelling and this is what I do for a living.I'm thankful.
And, the most amazing thing ever happen today is I go to work by plane! What?really?Yes, for real! I went to work by plane, it's amazing! Never thought this will happen to my life. Last time, I watched Michelle Phan's video ( One day in my life video in YouTube,I think),she sharing about her work life in one day and she go to work by plane and never ever think that's will happen to me as well.Amazing!I shared my first time experience in Myanmar,happy reading!
This is my first time to Myanmar.I don't know what to expect and I don't know what will happen.I never do research about Myanmar because my life is getting busier than ever but I like it and also, I want to suprised myself.I love to suprised myself with everything new.
New country so I will see and feel the new environment, new kind of language and a new culture.I have the most interesting day.Thanks God.
Upon my arrival, I was surprised I got bank here.AYA bank.Wow! After asking from my Myanmar colleagues, they said AYA is a short form for something.But, it's amazing because they can remember my name easily.That's the best thing of short name. Easy peasy!

And, another interesting I saw here is all the guy wearing "kain pelikat" or they called it "longyi", I saw every guy wearing it everywhere. Even in the office, that's their uniform.What an amazing world is this. I called that amazing because even as for me,I don't even manage to wear that properly and securely..hahaha. I will share the photos of people wearing "longyi" everywhere soon on here.
Myanmar or Burma is interesting country. I guess I falling in love with this city. Up until I wrote this article, I still don't know what to expect but I follow the flow and enjoy the moment.And, as per usual, I love love skies so much. Seeing this view from above is the best ever thing I can asked for.Thank you God.
This is my hotel room. If you follow me on Instagram (@keriitleto), you already see how excited I am with this room. It's beautiful and gosh! huge! My hotel room has a lake view and I plan to go see the lake when I have time, it just in front of my room so I will definitely go.
My Myanmar colleagues is super friendly and they bring us eat our dinner here. The food is amazing!
Myanmar or Burma is interesting country. I guess I falling in love with this city. Up until I wrote this article, I still don't know what to expect but I follow the flow and enjoy the moment.And, as per usual, I love love skies so much. Seeing this view from above is the best ever thing I can asked for.Thank you God.
My Myanmar colleagues is super friendly and they bring us eat our dinner here. The food is amazing!
For the latest update, you can follow me on Instagram @keriitleto and check out my Insta story for my jakuness overloaded.
Thank you, God for the interesting day in my life.
Life is not easy but God will make everything easy. That's what I believe and trust!
Okay, guys, I'm having a super busy day here but I try my best to write this when I have free time like early morning or sometimes take note during my visit to restroom..hahaha.
Thank you guys for reading.See you on my next article.
Thank you guys for reading.See you on my next article.
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