Away again

I'm being bad blogger again for countless time.I'm sorry! I wished I can have more time to write and share useful story on my blog,but I just got 24hours so I need to know how to use that 24 hours wisely.I'm currently in Ho Chi Minh city, this is my third times here this year, I'm blessed and I never bored of this city. Now, I feel like I going back to my hometown because its took 1hours 40minutes to come here from KL.I came here for business trip or I love to call it, work-cation ( so I feel good about it). After my last article ( it's about my nephews), I was being busy with my own life and I finally being away from something.

Move out from where I used to lived.
Finally, I moved out from my rental house after 3years+. I can't believe I already lived in Bandar Baru Bangi(B.B.B) for that quite long time. This area will always remind me of my good old memories with friends and people that I used to know. I'm not completely being away from B.B.B because I still work in that area. I just moved from my rental house.It's hard for me to do so because I'm comfortable to lived there but there's few reasons why I need to move out. First one is no one contact me to rent together there, the monthly rental is getting higher and lastly, I want to see and do something different this year, I'm in my comfort zone already.I'm lived in B.B.B for three years and I saw the same view every day so I'm guess I'm bored with that.Beside, I want to lived with my good friend,Marina. So, I can talk and do thing together with her even though I know I will be I'm busy go or do church activity every weekend. In my old rental house, my laptop is my only friend that I can talked too but he never reply me back,it's quiet sad and sometime I feel lonely. I'm lonely when I came back home. Nobody there and I'm being with myself again. Sometime, I feel that's a good thing so I get to know myself more but if it's every day, it's become boring and makes you lonely.But, I'm thankful for having wonderful "best friend", that I can count own so I have a friend anywhere and anytime. Just when I came back home, I feel alone.But, nevermind about that now. I already get away from that.My hope is everything will be okay and the best yet to come.

Away from my home country
As I mentioned before, I'm in Vietnam now. I traveled here three times already this year. I'm blessed! I never stopped to say thank you to God for giving this kind of life for me. I never forget people that give me an opportunity that I never thought I will have in my life. I feel so good whenever I'm away from my home country and sometime, I feel like I can't stay too long in the country. I always wanted to go there and here.I love this kind of life.But,I know I will never like this kind of life forever, one day I will wanted to stay home,being with familiar people.As for now, I will enjoy and follow the flow.

When the time come, there's time in this life, you finally feel you need to get away from your life routine.It definitely the hardest to decide but life is progress, so we can't stay forever in one place.Whatever will happen or my plan for future, I always believe God timing is perfect and His plan is the best for me.

Thank you for read my blog.

HCMC,April 2017.

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