That heartbroken lady

Halo there~
It's been awhile since I write an article that empowering and encourage ladies out there. I really love to write about this topic because this topic always close to my heart and I love to see the ladies become stronger than ever in their life.Every human in this world loves the thing that we called LOVE. What do you think of love? the first time you think about it?

People said, "Love hard so we can always be with the person".
But, people changed..almost every day.Same goes to love, love can change anytime and anywhere.I've been facing that for one time in my life. I was devastated and I feel like I'm rejected and I'm feeling so weak on my own. Thank God, I'm not kind of girl that forever feel weak. I need to be stronger than I'm before, move on and live this life.Even without someone that I used to love. To be honest, love is hard but I choose to make it simple.If you feel heartbroken now, here is some qoutes that can lift you up again. I promise, I'm your girl!!
1. You're beautiful

2.You are lovely

3.You are loved

4. You are chosen

5. You are special

6. You are created in God image

7.You are cared for

8. You are strong

9. You are precious

10. You are protected

11. You are unique

12. You are important

13. You are forgiven

14. You were created for a purpose.

I know the words may not enough to comfort you now but I want you to remember all these whenever you feel weak, heartbroken or negative feel about yourself.For me, I only lived once so while I'm in it, I will always use every day as a good day for me. No matter how hard it is.
I know you can do it!

keriitleto Aya

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