14 May 2017
It's Mother's day.
I'm thinking of my mum's cooking especially Anye ( Kenyah traditional food). I love it so much! My mum anye always the best!!
Its hard for me to write this post today because I'm not with my mum(We') and celebrating this special day with her.I prayed my mum will be always be healthy and happy in her life.She is an amazing women because she can change my life to be like now.My mum will never found or read my blog because she can't read.I'm thankful for having We' like her. But...

You know what, I always scared that my mum will be gone someday. I know, I can't control that but I always scared of that.I believe in God but there sometime I feel that way. I scared of that day will come and that's the day I definitely never wait for.So, while we are still in world and live, I appreciate my mum for whatever she does for me. Miss you,We'.

If you lived with your mum or lived nearby, please never forget to visit or appreciate her every day. Never take that for granted! Enjoy the time while we in the same world. Always respect and love your mum because that's what God told us to do so.

Children, obey your parents in everything. This pleases the Lord. -Collosians 3:20

If you lived far from her, please don't forget to call and never hang up first! 


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