Damus & Masnie Engagement | March 2017

Hi there!
Last week I went back to my hometown. It's always feel good to be home.And, I have an opportunity to witnessed my cousin getting engaged! Congrats to both of you and see again you two on your upcoming big day!So, here is some photos of their engagement. Basically this is how modern Kenyah people/community get engaged.

The guests

The emcee of the meaningful day

Blessed engagement

Some of their family members

Our local church pastor

Sing a songs before the ceremony start.Worshipped God for His wonderful blessing.

Modern Kenyah Engagement 
- Start the ceremony with prayers * Majority of us is a Christian believer.
- The emcee will introduce the engaged people of the day.
- We sing songs to show how thankful we're to God
- Our local church Pastor will lead the ceremony after that. He will share about the engagement rules, preach and then leads the exchange rings.
In case you will be engaged soon, I share the Engagement form on below link:
- Eat the awesome food

Again, blessed engagement to Damus & Masnie. God bless you both.


All photos by www.keriitleto.com
The engagement form I copied from our Osey Daduk Whatsapp group.

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