Something special

Happy Sunday!
It's 1st October 2017! What?!
In 2 months, it will be Christmas 2017! and in 1 month, it will be my birthday month! wowww..amazing!!! But, despite that excited feeling, I'm a bit sad too because I will say bye bye to 2017!This special year really shows the different side of me and really tested my faith.

This year really make me feel like I'm really an adult...I'm used to thinking I'm still my little daughter of my parents and still a little sister but this year, really make me realized I'm an adult now, adult in my mind and soul..haha
It's so funny when I said finally I feel like I'm an adult now because of I'm almost 30years old but this what just happened to my life.

Why I said I finally feel like an adult?

There a lot thing happen this year

One of my big purchase ever finally come true but still keep it in prayers.It my wish before im 30years old and its finally happened, thanks to God.Not just that, i think i want to settle down with someone that i love.Its so hard to come to this decisions as its long life commitments but eventually i need to settled down with people I loved but still keep it in my prayers.I hope this dream really come true.

This two things is something special to me for this moment.Oh ya,the above photos is the place for our first date.We went on our first date on Valentine's day and to be honest we dont even know that ia Valentine's day and we realized it when we back home,we wish each other "Happy Valentine day" after that.Life is so funny right?

Whenever we do not know where to go,this is special place.This place will be forever special place in my heart.I think TMI(too much information)..hahaha but i feel good whever I share the story of my life with you guy,my dear readers.

I think that is for today.

As I write this article,we still in our special place doing our work and staring at our phone non stop hahahaha

That the new kind of hang out,i know its not good but that happening...



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