One of my big dream

Happy Thursday! and tomorrow is Friday!!! are you excited? I know you are.
For me, it's doesn't matter anymore for me, whatever day it is, I am thankful for the day I have in my life. Today, I want to share an update about my house or #keriitletohome, it's been such a long time since my last update. For previous update, you can find here. I don't know what to update as there not much progress because I currently focus on other things ( pay the bad debts and wedding preparation).
But, this evening when I come back from my work and as per usual...

I saw this view and actually, this is my everyday view after come back from work. This is where my home, #keriitletohome. I see this everyday and I really love this view because it's make me feel thankful and blessed! No matter how bad my day and when I see this, I remember, God is always good and God is faithful!
Also, this view remind me how crazy I am for dream this big.I've made so many crazy decision in my life and one of the craziest is buy a house on my own before I'm turning 30. It's such a crazy decisions, move or whatever it is. It's just crazy! I am so determination to buy a house... it's #keriitletospirit I guess. Now, I'm riding this big dream journey and I can honestly admit that is not easy as I dreamed. I need to pay big price for this. This scared me A LOT! Sometimes, I questioned myself for being this crazy! What the earth I am thinking? I know I say crazy words many times here because yes, its crazy! Since I was young, I always wanted to buy big house on my own. Notice there, not just house but BIG house. Buying BIG house is one of my big dream! After working for 6 years and before I turn 30 years old, God open the door and the big dream come true! And, of course, there's a big price I need to pay and many sacrifices and life adjustments I need to make. But it's doesn't matter for me because I love to lived on my big dream!
Big dream, big price to pay. Not just big money but there other 'price' need to pay too. Riding on this big dream is not easy as I think ( I know this before) but it's worth it.I'm not scare you but that's the reality and this is what I choose in my life. Living on this big dream, make me able to unlock my other potential, go beyond my limit and trust God like I never do before. I saw somewhere on Pinterest, 
 For a girl from rural area by choose to do this is something that so selfish. There time I think I should do something to my family with my saving ( deposit for the house), not buying the house. But, this choice make me grow and able to see what I can do.I know everyone have their own dream big, I don't know what's yours but you need to know that, that big dream come with big responsibility and there so much price to pay. You will sacrifice some of the thing that you used to love.No matter what you dream for, always remember that you can achieve it if you willing for it. My personal advise for you, maybe you are just like me too, you are from rural area, buying a house on your own seems impossible but it can be happen, it's your choice and of course, God will open the doors.Again, no matter what's your dream, it can be achieve.Before I leave you guys, here is some motivation quote for you guy to make that big dream come true!

Don't give up on your dream!


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