CEO Conference 2019 ( My takeaway and experience)

15/January/2019, the day I take a big risk in my life! and I will never want to let go this opportunity too. It's too 'sayang' to do so. Also, this is my first time being so lucky. I joined one IG competition on and surprisingly I won!! I am blessed and that's how I get the tickets to go to this conference. It's can let go this opportunity when tickets worth RM1K+! Most importantly, I went there to represent my own,!, not sent by anybody/the company I'm currently worked. So, here is my takeaway and experience.

I started my day with this yummy breakfast. I try my best to control my eating habit now. There's no time to play around and eat too much already.

Actually, today is my working day but I take day off and yes, I feel really bad but I can't let go of this opportunity. So, I take a risk. I don't want to lose the chance to learn about leadership that can help me in future. Plus, I saw this quote too when I feel confused so I guess it's a sign from God that I need to take a risk.

My excited plus nervous face. I don't know what to expect at the conference. But, I just go.

The morning view in the city. I kind love this view and I love the idea of a commute. It's time for a change?

I arrived safely at the conference venue. It's a big and tall building. God, can I work here?

Always my dream to study at University Malaya, it's Malaysia's top university after all.

I arrived on time so the hall already packs with people.

Seeing this makes me wanna cry. I always dreamed and prayed for, one day I will proudly introduce to a lot of people and I did it today. I know, it's such a long way to go but I want to make it. I only can plan and God make a way.

The conference is started. This is my first time attending a conference that not related to church things.


So, here is some of my takeaway.
* Experiences give you confidence
* Advice to the business owner?
- Focus more on impact
- More time for family and your well being.
- Work with purpose
- Connect

* Digitalization era is here.
- Force the digitalization.
- How? Education and awareness.

*Mining the gold in your organization
- Grow with data ( where the business growing? when? how?)
- How you prioritize? 
i. Profitability
ii. Staffs
iii. Customers
- Get involved your staffs in the process of digitalization.

*Leverage digital technology to grow and scale?
How to do it?
- In future, work virtually and workplace flexibility.
- Mindset + skillset+ right tool
- Embrace the technology
- 4Es ( Engage prospects, Empower staff, Excite customers)

Hard work and determination in order to make it.
If you believe in what you do, don't give up!

During lunch break before I leave the conference, I take a selfie at the bathroom, for the sake of memories.

I need to leave early due to I need to attend a meeting. But, my part was excluded, too bad! I feel wasted already and I feel bad about my full-time work too.

I leave the conference with heavy heart. But, I want to make it on the two things but at the end, I loose both. Betul lah what they said " Orang tamak selalu rugi". I tasted this today.

I really really feel wasted now. I want to learn and at the same time, I don't want to lose my commitment at my full-time job. I will share about my feeling about this on a different post.

One of the view that make me stayed.

That's all for my CEO conference 2019 takeaway and experience.
I feel thankful I'm having an opportunity to attend this conference.
Thank you Leadernomics for choose me!
Thank you to my colleagues for let me go. I'm quite selfish, I'm sorry. But, I really want it.


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