Happy Pre Father's Day

Happy Pre Father's Day to my love, Maclare.
You're not yet as a father but my prayers every day that you'll be the great father to our future kids and our family. I'm always your loved one and our family always become your priority. 
I really don't know how the journey will look like but if it's you so I will go for it. I know we're not perfect and have our own weakness but I love it when you still say you love me and even more despite all that. I can't promise anything because I hate to break the promise but let's love each other no matter what will happen.
When the first time I decided to go on this journey with you, I think whether this is correct decision? Then, I just imagine my future kids will having a great father if it's you. I love your smile and your good heart. I just love you more than I ever feel that the first time.
When I asked you what you want in your life last time,
You told me " Bring people to God and be a good father and husband".
How can I say no to this?
I love you, My dear. 
I pray that we can celebrate this meaningful event next year. For now, let's make memories.

 I love you my dear,Maclare.


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