Happy Friday!
I’m so happy now as there first released of our post-wedding photos by our wedding photographer…thank you 
As you can see, the concept is proud Bornean. We are wearing our traditional clothes.
I am wearing Kenyah women traditional attire and my husband wearing his Lundayeh traditional attire.
When we discussed about what we want to do for our photoshoot, whether we want to do pre or post wedding photography,
We both want it to be after the wedding which is post-wedding photography. That's why we don’t do pre-wedding photography.
Maybe some of you curious, why we choose post-wedding photography? Is there any special reason?
Here are the reasons;
- We always asked this question, what the purpose of doing pre-wedding photography? Do we use it for our decoration or card or anything? For us, we don’t use that so no need to do it.
- Next is our budget. We don’t really want to spend on something that not useful for the future.
- Finally, what are our preferences? I always wanted the post-wedding since I think of getting married.
After we decided to do post wedding photography, we come out with the concept. We wanted to do what close to our heart and our identity.
We both from Borneo ( Sabah and Sarawak) and it's very important for us to embrace where we come from. So, we decided to do post-wedding photography with Borneo concept.
Here are the photos.
Here are the photos.
I never thought I will do this pose...haha
It's really hard to pose nicely with my husband, I thought I will be okay but see...hahha
Thank you for visit my blog.
Happy Weekend!
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