My thought on COVID-19 situation as pregnant women

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H everyone~
I hope you have a blessed day today and take time to pray for our nation and our family safety today. Let's do our part by staying home and pray for this situation.
After listening to our PM announcement yesterday, I feel devastated and I believe everyone feels the same. It's not I don't like it but I'm thinking of the people that need to "kerja hari" or people that need to take unpaid leave, my heart feel so heavy. Maybe our PM is hard to make that decisions.
Also, I'm on my second-trimester pregnancy. From what KKM shared, pregnant women is one of the high-risk people for this COVID-19 and as a human being, of course, I'm worried.
Not just I'm worried that I will get infected but many things ahead that bother me. 
I will due in July 2020, I know it's just March 2020 now and still has time to go but seeing the situation seems to get worse make me worry a lot. The big question in my mind right now is,
How can I deliver our baby in this kind of situation?
The hospital will be overwhelming with patients if the COVID-19 virus still not disappear or have a no cure. Also, if there's still there stubborn people that not obey the authorities.

How my mum will travel to Semenanjung to take care of me? 
We planned to bring my mum here before I give birth because we are a first-timer parent and obviously we need help. I need my mum no matter what.

How about the financial? Do will have enough money?
Of course, we save for baby but the situation seems different now. We will need a lot to spend on the baby especially the first baby. Maybe there's will be many unexpected moments that make us spend more. Prepare for the worst!
and my questions list goes on.
Today, I went to the clinic for my checkup and here what I see.

But, one thing I want to remind myself,
My husband always reminds me, everything will be okay and not to worry too much! Yes, he is right! Whenever he said that that makes me feel relief and knowing God will have mercy on us, making me feel everything will be okay.
So, to everyone that staying home and obey the government order, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
to all front liners, THANK YOU SO MUCH TOO!
To all people that still stubborn, I can't say any nasty word to you because who am I to say that and not good for baby too. 
But, you're being so selfish. I'm so disappointed with a human being like you.
While we are in this hardest situation, only God is our hope. Here is one song that make me always remind GOD IS IN CONTROL. 

During this hard time, let's take this opportunity to worship God and take care of your safety and if you work from home, do your best always.

Stay safe and healthy everyone!

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