#keriitletokitchen: Terung bakar

Happy Sunday!
Okay sekarang kita berubah selera, saya akan share another favorite of mine. I don't know how to cook this actually but my second sister teach me. Before that, I want to share the benefits of this eggplant.
A Malay Lady, A Chinese Man = 2 Mixed-sons: Khasiat Terung & Tomato

Cara-cara memasaknya:
1. Gaulkan terung dengan minyak masak
2. Bakar seperti dibawah

3. Selepas dibakar, lenyekkan/tumbukkan dalam lesung batu dengan cili dan garam

So, here is our lunch today.
My husband said, so kering hahahaa, I forgot to cook any soup but just eat lah...haha

I cooked Udang masak butter, you can see the recipe here.

Ayam goreng kegemaran my dad, my nephews and my husband.
I need a vitamin C

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