Work from home #Day 12 | Ketua keluarga yang AWESOME!

Today is another work from home, no difference. Meetings still ongoing and my brain still working.
The best thing about work from home is I can cook for my husband and we can eat together all the time, breakfast, lunch and dinner. And today my husband went to Tesco to buy our groceries for upcoming days. Of course, I make the list and if not, you know what will happen. But, my husband is a smart guy. He can buy our groceries without fail.
So, here is our lunch today.

After lunch, since my husband working from home today and our fan just arrived, so he installed our first fan ever in our house.

Good job,my hubba. Love you!
Maybe you guys curious, what did we use before? We use airconditioner but I'm afraid our baby will use to airconditioner so that why I want to installed fan. If not, nanti balik kampung susah, no aircond at kampung.
For dinner, I cooked spaghetti carbonara, my favourite. You can check the recipe here. It's very easy to make and delicious!! Yummm

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