#keriitletoreview: Order grocery using Happy Fresh

Semenjak PKP ini, kebanyakan kita mencari alternative selamat untuk memberi barang keperluan terutama barang-barang makanan. Selalunya my husband will go buy the groceries but since he working full weeks now and he came back around 6pm, mostly this time all groceries already finish and at the same time, I need good food now. So, I tried Happy Fresh.
My main review, this apps/service is quite good. When they can't buy what we want, they will return the money. But, you need to inform them you don't need replacement if the product you want is not available. 
As for delivery, its fast too.
Overall, I am satisfied.
How to start order using Happy Fresh?
1. Install Happy Fresh app
2. Follow the screen instruction

Please try it!


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