Our first family photo

This is our first family photo.
We took this photo on our 10th monthsary and our son just 19days.

Dear God,
bless our family abundantly. 
Give wisdom for me and my husband to raise our son to fear and always obey you as our God.
Together we as a family will serve you with our life.

To my husband,
let's do this together!
Thanks for being supportive and work effortlessly to make this family happy and well.
We love you much daddy.

To myself,
You did a great job and you're strong ( my husband said this and I agreed with him..haha)
I've been through 'war' to make this family.
Without God and everyone prayers, I will never make it.
God is good!

To our son, Karl Sibal...
You can't read this now but someday I hope you will.
the moment I saw you, I fall in love again ( just like with daddy) but this more than love.
You're gift from God and we want and we will try our best to take care of you.
We prayed you will grow up to be a man that obey God and takut akan Tuhan sepanjang umur hidupmu.

Much love,
Lovely mummy

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