Karl Sibal 1 month

First of all,
I want to THANK GOD for allow me to go through this journey. Segala kemuliaan dan hormat hanya bagi Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus. Without God, this journey will never happened. God makes everything happen on his right time and with right person.
1 July 2020
I gave birth to our first baby ( still thinking about second haha)
The journey is definitely not easy. You can read the journey HERE.
But, its worth it because I can see my baby in front of my eyes now.
As I said, its not easy so definitely VERY CHALLENGING and this journey is not created by God to go through alone. This journey is TOGETHER journey!
I'm thankful I've having my family ( my own family and the in law) during this journey. Thank you all.
BIGGEST THANKS to my husband, Maclare and my mum! Two persons that I needed the most during this time.
Not to forget my friends that always give me moral support.

1 August 2020
Our baby is 1 month. I'm thankful for this journey so far.
My baby had been through a lot after come to this world just 1 month. You can see HERE.
My prayers now, God I surrender my son to you and please take care of him.
I trust you!

To our baby Karl Sibal,
You're strong baby and mummy and daddy loves you so much!
We so worried when you cried so much and we just don't know what to do. We need to learn more about you. Our prayers, please grow healthy and happy!
We will try our best to take care of you.

Aya ( Mummy)

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