The importance of mental health after giving birth

Happy Saturday! Happy Weekend.

My baby is sleeping so I have time to write...hehe.

Today I want to share one important topic. It's all about mental health after giving birth. Thanks to God, I feel better as per today. As for now, all you can see on my blog was quiet happy posts but I never share the dark side of after giving birth. Giving a birth experience is a super mystery journey for me, many things happen at the same time, I feel pain, feel happy, feel nervous and all. I've tried to prepare for all these during my pregnancy but it's different than real situations. So, I feel it's important for me to share about this so you will aware and know what to do. Just in case you will feel not okay after giving birth, here are five things you can do. All these based on my experience in July 2020.

1. Be honest with your husband

After giving birth, my emotional is not so stable. I'm tired and I want to get out of the hospital because I'm super tired to take of baby alone beside I've had a problem with my breastfeeding. Its sound ridiculous but that's how I feel, I just honest with my husband. If you're not okay, just be honest. Don't keep it.

2. Call/text trusted friend

Thanks, I have my friend, Maznee that always asked me how am I doing and what to do. I can google but I trusted her. I will never forget this friend in my life. It's so important to have someone that you can ask like dumb questions or common sense questions but you need to sure about it. Without her patience, I can sure I will be meroyan. Thank you so much, my friend, Maz, if you read this, I prayed you will always have a good life and see you anytime soon, I miss you. If you have a friend that will give birth, contact her closely and be patience with her questions. She just wants to be sure and want to know she is not alone. 

3. Don't be afraid to ask help

This one is very important. Don't be afraid to ask help, just say, I need help.

4. Pray

The first thing you should do during this time, PRAY!

Only God can understand what you feel. Sometime you can't say anything but God understand.

5. Don't push yourself too hard

You will have pressure from many sides about many things so don't push yourself too hard to accept it. To be honest, I even argued with my family ( mum and sisters) when they asked me to do this and that, I know its good for me but I can't do everything at the same time, I need to adjust myself. To family, please understand and don't push too hard.

Giving birth is life experience that I never forget and its a mystery journey for me.

I'm thankful for having my husband, my family and friends after I gave birth, its make the journey feel easy. To my mum to be, I prayed you will have a smooth journey and if you have any questions, you can always comment or DM me on my social media.



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