Tips looking for job from experienced job seeker

Looking for a new job is never easy!
I've experienced this before, during the job hunting season, I feel that there's a day I feel so frustrated, disappointed and impatient and there's a day I feel faithful and positive. I feel this season is too long but this is the process.

I decided to share my experience looking for job so you won't feel discourage while you looking for job. I hope this post lift up your semangat! and add some knowledge on your job hunting season.

Just a little background on my job seeking/looking for job experience.
Before I resigned from my old job, I rarely looking for a new job because I am so comfortable with my old job that time.
But, end of 2020, I'm really hate my job environment and I feel so stuck also I was diagnosed with Major Depression Disorder( MDD) because I'm too stress with my old job. So, I decided to resigned from my old job back in Dec 2020 and my last day at my old company was Feb 2021.
I resigned WITHOUT any offer in hand! You can called me crazy for this but this is my plan, I want to rest from work! I want to treat my MDD and I just want to feel better before I back to job field again.

While resting, I also looking for job and go for many interviews. I take it easy but sometimes I feel stressed because there's bills or commitment I need to pay. 
So, here are my tips I learned.

[1] Creating resume
For creating resume, I used or visit website as below: 
- ( Paid)
- Linkedin 

[2] Job portal( where I apply for job)
- Linkedin( I mainly used this one)
- Job street
- Monster
- Indeed
My advice, don't just use one platform for applying the job.

[3] Interview tips
While waiting for interview invitation, I prepare myself by read many tips and jot it down and remember it( not memories ya).
- Monster blog
- Indeed blog
- The Muse

Above all, I surrender everything to God while I do my best in prepare resume, browsing for job in job portal and interviews.
This process is uncertain process because sometimes you apply for a job but never got feedback or sometimes you got an interview invitation but at the end, you will got rejections and some interviewer was rude! 

Don't be discouraged by this thing. Always do your best and always be faithful that God will give you the best job and the right time.
I know the stressful feeling because you need to pay your bills but always pray to God, He know when you need it.

Before I end this post, I want to say Thank You So much for read this post until the end. I really hope this will make you feel semangat and you really have HOPE, just don't give up and don't feel discouraged yet.

God will provide the job for you on the right time and right place! 

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