What's new in my wardrobe : May 2023

Hello there!Lets welcome May 2023!!

For this past few months or maybe I can say, for the past few years I really trying my best to stop myself for buying new clothes and sharing my outfits photo in any social media because I am really fat now, bigger ever and I feel not confident sharing it. Last time,  I saw one Facebook post saying " perempuan yang tak munculkan diri dalam social media sebab dah gemuk!" haha memang betul.


I don't want my body shape become the source of my happiness. I will enjoy this kind of body shape and at the same time, I will work on lose weight. I want to be happy and healthy!!
I realized that I really feel happiest whenever I buy new clothes, take photo wearing it and really enjoy wearing the clothes. I just love to do this, I feel my life feel fulfilled.

Now my son is growing up and I feel like myself again ( except that I'm still fat) and my body is mak-mak. I am not like other mom that can back to their previous body shape. Because I am not taking care of myself well for the past few years after I gave birth in 2020 so I'm not going to blame anybody or anything for my weight gain or never lose weight. It's my choice to stay fat.

Since I love clothes so much and I feel happiest whenever do my outfits photoshoot, I decided to allocate budget for this every month, not necessary to buy new clothes every month but just buy the essential or timeless outfits or accesories.

So, for this months, I want to start to share on what's new on my wardrobe.For this month, I bought below,

1. Baju kurung batwing White

2. Baju kurung batwing black

I am obsessed with this now! The white color already arrived but not yet taking photos wearing it. I will share it when I take photos wearing it.

3. Slingback heels

I've been eyeing for this for many months already but I don't buy it because I feel 'teragak-agak'/hesitate but this month, I decided to buy it. I will wear this for my work attire or formal events.

I love this color actually but my size is unavailable. I will keep eyeing on her hehe and if its super comfortable then definitely she will come to me soon... hehe

4. Loafer

Same goes to this loafer. I've been eyeing for it for sooo long and finally I decided to buy it! Since I bought black slingback heels so I bought brown loafer just to give color in my outfits. I really love black but when I wore all black outfits I can wear this brown loafer.

While I'm typing this post, I feel super excited! I can't wait to share my photo wearing these new in!
Please stay tune for #OOTD ☺️
Before I end this post, I want to say thank you for stopping by and read until the end! Thank youuuu 😘😘😘

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