Dengan ini mengumumkan, pencarian sunscreen yang sesuai di muka telah berakhir!
After many years of searching, I finally found the one!
Before this, I tried many brands of sunscreen and I don't like the outcome. Its make my face look oily and no changes.
I'm not sure how I encounter this sunscreen but I just wanted to try sunscreen that make my face look healthy and of course effortless pretty!
Few months I wearing it, I can't see any changes and I thought its not suitable but sayang nak buang or biar mcm tu saja so I teruskan pakai sampai habis so tak membazir.
And bila nak habis, few of my colleagues tegur me at work, why your face look so glow ar? You pakai apa?
So, I told them I just pakai sunscreen skin Aqua yang purple tu 🤣🤣. But, my colleagues teguran ni make me realized, this suncreen is work on my face!
I determined to wear it until the last "drop" and another colleagues tegur me again, your face look glowing lah hahaha, I can say, its really worked!
So, I bought another tube! And, will never look back or change. Skin Aqua yg warna purple for life! hehe
I did tried the green one, because its state there, bring you happiness( I termakan this marketing 🤣🤣) but I feel kureng when wear this lah. So, guna for my hand lah. Membazir pula kalau buang.
Mesti nak bukti or nak tengok my face guna this sunscreen kan? Here you go! I just love my face now. Oh ya, my face condition become like this, not just because of this sunscreen but also my consistent on apply skincare on my face! I will share my skincare products and routine in different post.
What's your opinion?
Please share your thoughts.