I feel unhappy and failed

When I first time saw this photos, my first feeling is I feel unhappy and failed because my son menyorok at the back.
I really feel unhappy about that. I don't blame the teacher that took these photos but its me! I feel failed! 😭😭, seems like my son is growing up to be shy people which I don't like. I don't like shy people especially the one that tersangat pemalu or pemalu tak bertempat. I really don't like that and I want my son growing up to be brave.
I know, my son just 3 years old and its too early to think this way. I know, but I just cant stop thinking about it.
Seeing my son menyorok at the back really make me feel so unhappy and failed.

I will delete this photos on my phone and will forget about it but I want to make this as reminder to myself to keep improve on my parenting style and my involvement as a mom in my son development. I will need to be more hands on and more attention.

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