Mental health awareness

16 May 2019

Mental health awareness

Hi there~
First of all, thank you for visiting and read my blog. Today, I will share a heavy topic. I think I really need to talk about this. If you follow me on my IG (@keriitleto), you already know that, on my previous w…

My Tenom, Sabah Vlog

14 May 2019

My Tenom, Sabah Vlog

Happy Tuesday! Finally, after almost 1 month, I make time editing all the videos and make a vlog. You can check it on below.
I hope you enjoy the video. Please subscribe and like my video.
Love, Aya

The simple thing that make me happy

12 May 2019

The simple thing that make me happy

Happy Monday! As per usual I feel Monday blues!  It's a long and busy day and I love it! I rather being busy than boring. But, sometimes I wonder why Monday become Monday blues? Do you know why? if you know, please…

Mother's day special : My best memories with my mum(We')

Mother's day special : My best memories with my mum(We')

It's Mother's day 2019!
I am away again for this Mother's day. I have been away almost time in my life. I never celebrate Mother's day with my mum, to be honest. This year will be my last single women a…

#keriitletoweddingprep : I wish...

07 May 2019

#keriitletoweddingprep : I wish...

Hi there!
It's time for an update regarding my wedding preparation.
This time, I will update how I feel toward the important event in my life.
I wish somebody ever tell me real situation or what is really feel to g…

Lessons I get from Avengers:Endgame movie

01 May 2019

Lessons I get from Avengers:Endgame movie

We are able to watch Avengers: Endgame movie last night! Yeah!! so excited!
We went to see it with our church friends. Some of them already watch it before, some of them already watch its three times, whoaaa! …
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