FB Live Experience

02 January 2021

FB Live Experience

Before New Year 2021, we tried to do FB Live for our church Tahun Baru service. It's a lot of improvement to make. But, at least we tried. So, here is the photos of this trial.


Introduced food to my son for the first time

Introduced food to my son for the first time

Yesterday, I introduced food to my son for the first time. I am very nervous about this.I've been researching for this but still feel so nervous about it. My son is officially 6 months old so we can introduce food t…

Karl Sibal is 6 months old!

01 January 2021

Karl Sibal is 6 months old!

God is good!God is good!1 Jan 2020 my son is officially 6 months old and what really special about his monthly update this time, he going to eat his first food! Whoaaa... I honestly feel so nervous about this. I will ma…

New Year,Fresh start

New Year,Fresh start

First of all, I want to wish "Happy New Year 2021" to you! We made it to 2021! 2020 has been an amazing year and also quite a bumpy year too. I learned so many things and some of it need to re-learn again this …
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