Outfit Diary: My work outfit is so boring now! HELP!!

22 September 2023

Outfit Diary: My work outfit is so boring now! HELP!!

My most repeated work outfit or its my favorite blouse of the year. I have the same style in pink color, which I loveeee ❤️❤️❤️ I bought this at Brand Outlet at Nu Sentral, my old office is near there before. So, after w…

Gotong royong at church( SIB Cheras)

Gotong royong at church( SIB Cheras)

Selain ada komuniti di tempat kerja, kami juga ada komuniti di gereja. Kebanyakan jemaat di gereja sib cheras adalah Sabah dan Sarawak. Its good lah sbb melepas juga rindu dgn Sabah and Sarawak vibes.


Clear my mind at Secret Garden, Taman Perdana Putrajaya

Clear my mind at Secret Garden, Taman Perdana Putrajaya

When the day is seems so rough, I will get out from my house and go to open space and usually I will go to any park at Putrajaya. Putrajaya just 20 minutes away from my home so its very convienience for me to go there wh…

Outfit Diary: Black & Navy Blue

Outfit Diary: Black & Navy Blue

This is my go to outfit color in my work field. Black and navy blue! Its look formal and hide the bigger me too... hehe
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