#keriitletoOOTD: Pink Dress + Black Cardigan

Photo By Genevieve 
Hi, everyone!

I always fall in love with pretty dress whenever I saw them. If can, I want to wear a dress everywhere I go. Unfortunately, I cannot always live the way that I like, sometimes I need to follow the flow.This time, I wanted to share one of my favorite dress for this moment. Here you go, my not so pinkish dress. Before this, I will never buy this kind of color of dress because I'm scared to wear it, I'm more into black or dark color because it comfortable and easy for pairing.  But, for this first try, I think is not bad! No people care what you wear actually, just wear whatever you want as long as it does not harm people around you. There no rules on dressing even though there it is but just break it and feel free to try what you want to wear.
Worry about your body shape to wear that beautiful dress?Don't worry, find the right dress for your body. 
Don't try to hard ladies to follow all the trend. 
Let's have a peace with your body, okay?

Looking good in any dress you wearing it not about how expensive, how your body look like on it. It about how you rockin' the dress in your own way and you feel confident about it.
Always know your best part and show it to the world, not expose it ( it's different ar?haha). If you really not confident with your body, please try to change, if change its really hard, take it easy!

Style Tips :
Whenever you want to buy a dress, if you're the pear shaped body ( you have big thigh or big bottom), try to choose kind of A-line skirt and it fall on your knees, just before you knees. Don't too short and too long. It will make you look bigger and short.
For color, I love one tone color for dress. I think, it look more casual and can wear it anytime and anywhere.
Thanks for reading and 
"Selamat Hari Raya" for all my Muslim friends.
Special thanks to my housemate and their colleague for the hang out today.

Estelle Paya

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