Hello my dear friends,
How its going? Everything is alright? Hopefully everything is okay and you can face any challenge in this world with your open heart and strong heart.
November is over but the birthday celebration is non-stop for us.haha
That why I love November, we can celebrate the birthday anytime on December.
But, this time I spend time with my housemates and my friends to celebrate our birthday. When I said our birthday so its all our birthday. We don't have time to celebrate each of us birthday so this is the great time to celebrate this special day.
This year, we celebrate the birthday event at Villa Kopitiam @ Semenyih. Its newly opened chinese restaurant. We try something new here.
Ready to get hungry??
The MUST drink when you eat at Chinese Restaurant. Chinese Tea hot for sure. But, something very weird about this Chinese Tea. Do you notice it?
Here you go! I feel weird when first time I saw this but its practical.
Here the Chinese Tea..hahaha
The first menu is...opps! I forget..Sorry
Second menu is Homemade Taufu. Its really homemade and the taste is just nice.Homemade food is always the best.
Not to forget this favorite. Sorry my friends.Its non-halal food.
Another awesome menu is Butter Prawn I guess. I usually didn't remember the name of the food.huhu, I just eat it..haha
Our favorite is Kangkung masak belacan. But, this time is not really not our taste.
My housemate had the Doraemon moment with one kids that love Doraemon, very cute!
Here is our dessert for tonight. Special cupcake from The Spot and again...NO candles.This year my birthday celebration is no candles.uhuuhu. I never blow the candles this year. But, its okay. Try something different, right?
They are so cute and I don't dare to eat it but its food so need to eat it.hahhaa
Here almost close up picture of the cupcakes. They're happy family and they're too cute to eat them.
Here the latest birthday girl. Yeahhh.... She born on 11.November and for me is 30 November. Thanks Unnie for always makes my day brighter whenever I faced my dark time in my life.
Single shot of the cutest cupcake.hehe, they need shot time too. Don't forget to check The Spot for this lovely cupcake. You'll satisfy.
Red Velvet |
Oreo |
Lemon Demon |
And again, we went to Big Bad Wolf Book sale again for second time.hahhhaa but the second day is less crowded but some of the book is no longer there.
I found this interesting quotes. Aim for heaven as always. Heaven is not so far when you trust in GOD and I don't scare to aim for heaven because everyone deserved heaven.
I found my beauty icon, Audrey Hepburn. She is the most beautiful women I ever seen other than my mum. She always make me remember that "Beauty is not forever, one day it will fade but good heart is always remain".
Lastly, thanks for reading and enjoy the picture.
For the Cupcake shop, here the link :
See you soon..
Estelle Paya
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