Here is some of my favorite photo this week.
Life is beautiful and I feel wasted without taking picture of what going on my life.
I will try take many beautiful picture after this.
One of my very favorite picture is as below. God bless this lucky kids for the whole his life.
The December is just started this week so I still feel like I am celebrating my birthday. So, I treat my dear friends for lunch and this is my favorite. Carbonara for sure..hehe
The unique earring that I found at Bless Shop near Jalan Tar. I am not sure when can wear this.hehe
My favorite fruits. This is rambutan. Its Asian fruit. Nyum!
The combo of my favorite things. Whenever I feel I am very sleepy on the morning, The McCafe Latte can weak me up! No need wake up call from nobody, just Latte can make a great day! How about you?
Okay, our childhood favorite. During my childhood its really rare for me to eat this kind of candy because I don't have money to buy this. I can make candy on my own during my childhood time..hahhaa.
December is raining day for our country. So, remember to always bring umbrella with you whenever you go anywhere, you don't want to get wet. I love raining day because I feel like every dirt in this world is wash away and I love the air after raining day.What do you think?
As Christmas is around the corner so you'll find Christmas decorations anywhere especially Shopping mall. I love it because its make me can't wait to going back home.
Have you ever tried lips tint before? This is lips tint look like but its very watery..huhu. This is my first lips tint from CLIO.
As I said previously, Christmas deco is every where..hehe
I did something little bit crazy this week. I do my nail coloring at Starbuck while waiting for my housemates finish their bowling games. Quite interesting because people start looking at you and give the weird look but I kind like it because I do my favorite things at favorite places so I don't mind anything. So, I feel like this same goes to love. If you really love someone, no matter what, you still want to love. I don't say love is easy but I must admit it is easy and never hard. Just love and never stop loving!

Lastly, for my friends that feel sad or had a terrible this week, don't be sad. I always be there with you. Share with me whatever you have face or if you can't, share it with somebody that you trust the most and cry out loud, cry as you become crazy, don't keep it yourself. No matter how big or small your problems, remember God is bigger than that. Always remember there always a good reason behind everything that happen on your life. Let's have a good life!Go do your favorite things and buy what you want also eat whatever you want. Enjoy life girls!
Thanks for reading!
God Bless You always..
Estelle Paya
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