Forgive and forget

Happy Saturday my dear friends!
This week, I was escaping from my blog..hahaa, I am pretending to busy ( one of my ex-colleague always said this to me..haha). But, I am not pretending busy, I am busy women, you know..ahhaa. No matter how busy your week, take care of your health!
Today, I want to sharing something about adults life ( I am quite experience now, I am almost 26 years old now, so I got have a lot experience in adults life now).
 " Forgive and forget", such a deep words for me.
How about you?

In adults life, there so much unexpected thing will happen to you. Some of it is good surprise and some of it can make our heart broken. So far, I have experienced both and I really appreciate all that. For the good surprise in life, I won't talk much about it because everyone know what to do when you have this in your life.Let's skip that! 
What if you have such bad surprise in your life? 
Lately, I always have such a bad surprise in my life. One of it is family matter, its common for us to have such a bad news from our family members, I don't expect everyday is a good day. This is the spice of family. I never expect that my family will be like all the families show on the TV, for me that the ideal type of family that all human can think of, they desired for that kind of family, and it won't exist at all or if it exist, its not that ideal and perfect, am I right? I am not saying,  all the lovey dovey family is not exist or something,but we are human that so not perfect, each of family members have their own color, attitude and so on. We are different creature that God gather to make our different is equal. I remember, during my young time, I always have arguments with my little brother and big sisters, the war never end. Every day I wished I grow up so fast and not to see my siblings every day..haha, what a funny experience. Now, when we getting older, I missed the time when we fought and argue for small things.
For me, when one of your family member hurt or give you such bad news, I choose to not to judge her (but I admit, I had such a judgemental mind), we don't have right to judge her because only God can do that. What we human can do is forgive she/he if she do the mistake ( make sure she learned from this mistake), forget all the bad things happen, don't waste your mind space for all the junk things.
I am not perfect human so I also take time for me to learn all this stuff. Its hard to forgive and forget, but I am trying my best. I love my family and trying my best to love my family more than yesterday. I believe, you meet so many people in your life but you never knew, one day that people will walk away from your life.Whether you like it or not, your family is always there for you. When there time, you need to choose "family or else?", choose your family, I guarantee you will be happier. Don't choose someone that you knew for few years over the family that you ever knew for the whole of your life. Don't be blind because of young love, you will regret it for the whole of your life.
I am such a chatter whenever come to life experience now..hahha, I have so much things to say. 

Tai' pala seken ngan sadin ek.
ake' nyat lesau oban nta jadi sadin ngan seken je tega mekem. Ake' nyat lesau oka ake un nyakit kimet ikem atau nta okat mepo ikem dalau masa-masa taru dalem udip em. Ake' nengayet meta tega dalem udip ji, apan ca tau je kenai, ilu mung pemung pempau Tuhan ja atek maren.

Lastly, love your family before you love somebody else.


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