Outfit Tips : Slip on sneakers

Hello there!
Welcome back to my blog. I'm sorry for my lack update lately. I'm not become lazy.  As I mentioned on previous post, my laptop had technical issue so I can't do the blogging stuff very well. I did posting couple of post via phone but the feeling is not same like when I use laptop.Okay, since the technical issue already resolved, now I'm back.
Okay for today, I wanna share about my favorite fashion items,which I love the most for this moment.
This time, let's focus on....

"Slip on sneakers!!"

I am so in love with this fashion items since last year.I saw a lot of fashion blogger, model and even some celebrities in Hollywood or Europe country "rock" this,I totally love their style and its make them look so stylish and  I curious to check it out and try to feel it.
But, too bad for me, the price is really expensive because its totally "in" fashion trends. So, I search for the cheapest slip on sneakers first, just want to feel it and then only consider to buy the expensive one ( not very very expensive la, affordable price).
Then, before I went back for Christmas, my friends and I "accidentally" went to one shopping mall and there's one shoes shop have a very big promotion, when I say big, its up to 70%.
I started to go around the shop and I found one slip on shoes for RM21 only, so I bought it!!
After wore it for about 3 month now, its feel so good and I wanna buy the new one since the old one already torn out ( this is why sometime I don't like the cheapest items because it cannot use for very long time).
Why I love this slip on sneakers?
You already know from the name, just slip on then go! No need to tied anything.. For someone like me that move slowly in the morning, this is great choice. 
What to wear with it? You can pair it  with jeans, skirt even dress,such a versatile items, right? 
You should try it also..and you'll addicted like me..ehhe
I saw some of interesting slip on on Zalora.com.For now, I just let my eyes rolling and wishing hard..ahhaa

Choice no.1

Choice no.2

Choice no.3

Which one is look very interesting and which one should I get??hehe...when there money..haha
And here is my old slip on sneakers. The outside look fine but the inside already soo bad. The base of the shoes already torn out and its feel very uncomfortable when I wore it. That why, I need to find another one to replace it.
hehhee(evil laughing!!)
Need to wake up early tomorrow..
work for money..
use money to buy everything I want..
Everything I want to make me happy..

 Thanks again for visit and read my blog!

Have a nice day,

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