Tega tawai Amai | Happy Father's day 2015

Today is Father's day and I feel sad because I cannot celebrate this special day with my father again.
While celebrating the Father's day at church today, I feel so emotional because I'm supposed to be there for my father but I'm here, wondering and searching for better life. If you live with your family, never take this for granted! Never forget to celebrate this special day with your parent.
I wished I could eat together with my family again and share any food on the table.
My best moment with my father was during my Degree graduation day on 2011.Whenever I feel bad living here, I always take a look of these special photos and this make me feel so happy because there one moment of my father's life, he was smiling proudly. I will work hard to continue make him to be proud of me.
I love my father's smile. This make me feel strong to move foward everyday.

 Our father is our best friend. They sometime just ignore a little thing but they do care about you. Amai, tega tawai oban nengayet meta tega me amek padik ngan nengayet mecuk ake' sekola ngan alek memamik me ake lemoto. Dalau masa uk tosa dalem udip uk, ake akan lemoto engkin iku dalem temamik ek.

 Amai, ke engke engke pe ake' ketai dalem udip ji, ake' lemoto nawai cung engke ek ngan mung dau nasihat uk make. Ake' nawai mung da. 

To all Keriitleto and manai out there, never waste any moment with your parent. Cherish every moment with them while they still with us. As we grow old, they grow older and that make me feel sad but I can't control that. What can I do now is take care of them and be good to them as much I can. Even the little thing like never ending the call first, I always asked my mum or dad to off their phone first whenever they called because I feel so hard to say goodbye every call, never say rude words to your parent. You are in your current life because of them and without their care, you will never life in that way. If you ever said something bad to your father, its not to late to say " I'm sorry, forgive me for my bad word", this few words is powerful. 
If you never say " I love you or Ake' malak iku'" to your father, just say it like you tell someone you love so much. I know, its not our culture to say that but its good culture. Its so awkward first but you will used to it. The first time I said " Ake' malak iku Amai" to my father, I feel so embrassed and awkward but I feel so good and its make me hard to say goodbye. Say the good words to your parent as long as you can.
Never take anything for granted in this life.
Appreciate everything and be good to each other while we can.

Amai, ake' lemoto malak iku pabik medan medan pe.
I know, he unable to read all these but I will share it with him when I going back home soon.
You are the reason I'm writing on my blog and share my story with others.

Happy Father's day to all daddy in the world!


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